Dal Rae Replaces Historic Neon for Ugly Backlit Plastic

The recent replacement of the Dal Rae’s historic neon with backlit plastic – aside from being extremely ugly – is tragic and terribly misguided.
Dal Rae Recently

Dal Rae Recently In All Its Neon Glory

Dal Rae now

Dal Rae now


Dal Rae Recently

Dal Rae Now

Dal Rae Now

Most likely the owners felt that it was too expensive to continue maintaining the original neon.  But a key element of the Dal Rae experience has always been the warm, welcoming neon signage that defined the restaurant as an authentic midcentury landmark.
Perhaps most Dal Rae regulars aren’t upset by the change, but for those of us who have grown attached to the restaurant’s 1950s-era grandeur, this is a sad day, indeed.

About Peter Moruzzi

Author and historian Peter Moruzzi is passionate about the middle decades of the 20th century: its nightlife, classic dining, and architecture. Born in Concord, Massachusetts and raised in Hawaii, Moruzzi graduated from the University of California at Berkeley and later attended the American Film Institute in Los Angeles. In 1999, he founded the Palm Springs Modern Committee (PS ModCom) an architectural preservation group. He is the author of "Havana Before Castro: When Cuba Was a Tropical Playground," "Palm Springs Holiday: A Vintage Tour From Palm Springs to the Salton Sea," "Classic Dining:Discovering America's Finest Mid-Century Restaurants," "Palm Springs Paradise: Vintage Photographs from America's Desert Playground," and "Greetings from Los Angeles." His latest pictorial history, "Greetings from Las Vegas" will be available in September, 2019.
This entry was posted in Classic Dining, cocktails, historic preservation, Home, mid-century, nightlife. Bookmark the permalink.

5 Responses to Dal Rae Replaces Historic Neon for Ugly Backlit Plastic

  1. Pingback: Esotouric’s Los Angeles Historic Preservation “25 for 2014″ report | Esotouric Bus Adventures

  2. mussberger says:

    Sorry to see this. It would be nice if there were some sort of incentives given to them to maintain the integrity of the original. My Dad’s “goto” place for many years. All the heavy machinery dealers were based around the area in the boom years and many a deal for cranes and bulldozers were closed after a great meal at the Dal Rae. Best cold seafood platter in Socal if not the whole country.


  3. How heartbreaking. I loved that neon sign.


  4. The Jab says:

    Terrible decision. I’m not sure, but I think neon costs less to operate than plastic signs (and uses less energy). At least I think that’s what Sweeney Todd told me one time.


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